Services for Graduate Students

The Libraries subscribe to numerous electronic journals and databases. You have access to these resources for the purposes of research and private study.

To find books, use Find It! and limit the search to “Library Catalog.” To find articles use Find It! and limit the search to “Articles and More.”  

Subject Guides contain information and links to relevant databases and web resources that have been selected by a specialist in the subject area.

Requesting and Borrowing Materials

My Account
View, manage, and renew borrowed or requested materials.  

Learn about your borrowing privileges and the loan periods of other items, including journals.

Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) Service
Obtain materials not owned by the Libraries from other state, national or international libraries. 

Off-Campus Access to Electronic Resources
Access our electronic research materials off campus or when using wireless with your PODs username and password. 

SHARES Program
Allows Binghamton faculty, emeritus faculty, students, and library staff onsite access to the collections and services of institutions participating in this membership program. 

Research and Collections Services

Ask a Librarian
Assistance from librarians in locating materials on a topic or with using the many online resources for your research and teaching needs.

Subject Librarians
Connect with your subject librarians who provide a wide range of services focusing on a particular area or discipline. Subject librarians select materials for the collections in their areas; provide subject-specific instruction and course guides; and offer general research assistance and specialized research consultations. 

Study Spaces
Find a great place to study with our wide range of individual tables, carrels, and group study spaces available in the Bartle, Science, and UDC libraries. Reserve one of our multimedia presentation practice rooms in the UDC and Bartle Information Commons. 

Visit our quiet Graduate Study Commons in Bartle Library (first floor) available exclusively for graduate students that features individual work spaces, tables and lounge seating. The Commons also has three computer workstations, a black & white printer, and a Bookeye walk-up scanner. Graduate student ID card is required for access. 

Study Carrels
Learn about locked library study carrels available to graduate students.

Printing and Scanning in the Libraries
View information about printing and scanning services.

Publishing Support

Open Repository @Binghamton (ORB) Services
Share and discover your scholarly and creative works on our open repository platform. 

Transformative Agreements
Learn about open access publishing options via the Libraries’ current Transformative Agreements.

Archive Your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
The Libraries offer a service to make Binghamton University students' ETD public, open, and discoverable through the Open Repository @Binghamton. 

Digital Scholarship Services
Assistance on pedagogical digital projects, working with data, digital publishing, and more. 

University's Scholarly Communications Program 
Lean more or consult with a specialist about tools, policies, and services including copyright.

Data Management Plan
Support for creating or reviewing an existing plan. See the NSF Data Management Plans resource page which includes information for specific offices, divisions and programs. 

Citation Managers
View side-by-side comparisons of EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero features.

Teaching and Classroom Support

Course Reserves
Place books, articles, or other items on Course Reserves for your courses. Electronic reserves are uploaded into myCourses, and physical reserves are circulated from the Bartle Library and the University Downtown Center Library Reader Services Desks.

Instructional Services
Work with librarians to provide library and information literacy instruction in support of your teaching and learning objectives for your classes as teaching assistants.